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Skype No.: 585-200-5790

Location: 30 N GOULD ST. STE R SHERIDAN, WY 82801


What exact services and solutions do we provide to your business?
Our Services
Charge Entry

Our team guarantees the entry of the data and accuracy within a 24 hours timeline of receipt.

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Claim Submission

Within 24 hours, our team processes all the accurate claims  received to the insurance companies.

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Accounts Receivable

With our expert medical billing service, we make sure to follow-up with all insurance companies

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An Outsource Medical Billing Solution
Ibex Medical Billing

You have been a doctor for years and you know the importance of getting paid on time, but, as your patient load grows so does the amount of paperwork and with each new day more billing to do, insurance claims to file, and reimbursements that need follow-up. It’s easy to lose track and become overwhelmed. As a Doctor/Health Professional your main job is to take care of your patients and not to be bogged down with paperwork. An outsource medical billing service might be an option to solve these challenges.

According to U.S. statistics, 3 out of 4 patients are usually confused by seeing their medical bills and majority of the patients in the U.S. who seek healthcare services are not aware of their payment responsibility before they schedule a visit to any hospital. Not only this, even doctors and small physician practices have also reported that they face issues in medical billing and collection through patients and communicating them the payment responsibility they are accountable for.

Ibex Medical Billing
Ibex Medical Billing
challenges in your practice
Are you facing ?
High Claim Rejection Rates

Longer Reimbursement Cycle

Too Time-Consuming Administrative Tasks

Mounting Account Receivables

Lower Productivity & Morale

Increased Costs

Shrinking Profit Margins

We at Ibex Medical Billing a US based medical billing service company, can help:


Who are we?

We are an outsource medical billing company that provides a medical billing service in USA working with doctors to get them the maximum reimbursements from insurance companies while saving them time so they can focus on what they’re best at, taking care of their patients. We are fully HIPAA compliant and have an experienced team to provide medical billing solutions to our clients. Read more About us here.

Why Work With Us?

We understand how doctors and healthcare professionals are busy looking after their patients. It’s a demanding job that requires a lot of time and resources. As a result, doctors look towards medical billing service companies to outsource their medical billing to third parties. Not every practice is the same and we identify and understand your needs and requirements and come up with plan that suits your needs. Find out more here about some of the Specialities that we deal with

We offer a medical billing solution where an expert will walk-through your current billing process and practices, to find what is needed and understand challenges or issues you are facing. From there on, our experienced Medical Billing team will take of the rest. Our team of experts is here for you through every step of the process, starting with creating an accurate medical billing campaign for your practice. We’ll save you time and money by reducing unnecessary overhead costs that don’t contribute directly to patient care, such as staffing an extra medical biller or having a full-time IT specialist on staff for the billing software alone.

Good News no more administrative burden! As an outsourced medical billing partner, we prepare the claims, submit them to insurance companies and follow up so that you get paid promptly. As an Ibex client, you get access to many of your needs all under one roof.

Here Are The Outcomes For You:
Lower Claim Rejection Rates

Faster Reimbursement

Less Administration

Lower Account Receivables

Improved Profitability & Lower Costs

Patient Satisfaction

Higher Productivity & Staff Retention

Contact us to find out more

Now you must have a question: How does our process work?

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Book a Demo

We will focus more on your patients while we handle your bills and claims!